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Read raw data either using FILID value or a complete file path. It uses the find_data() generic method. For a .csv file, data.table::fread() is used and all other arguments for fread function can be used. For a .xlsx or .xls file readxl::read_excel() function and all of its arguments. For a .dta file, haven::read_dta() is used and all other arguments for read_dta function can be used.

Nevertheless, some most used arguments are standardized for read_file() and they are:

  • nrows to display maksimum numbers of rows to read

  • header FALSE to give default columnames as V1, V2 etc

  • skip a specific number of rows before reading the data

  • trimws to trim leading and trailing whitespace

  • na for character value to be interpreted as NA


read_file(file = NULL, ...)

les_fil(file = NULL, ...)

rdf(file = NULL, ...)



Use FILID, FILEGROUP or a complete path of a filename. Data set with .csv extension on https:// can also be as a input file arg.


All other arguments to be passed related to the file format


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# With FILID
DT <- read_file(file = 5)
DT <- read_file(file = 5, fill = TRUE, nrows = 10)

dt <- read_file(file = "UTFORE")

# With filepath
rdata <- read_file(file = "/file/path/mydata.xlsx", sheet = "S3", range = cell_rows(1:4))
rdata <- read_file(file = "/file/path/mydata.csv", sep = ",", header = FALSE)
} # }