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Contributing to this package is very much welcome. This is an effort to structure things and follow certain convention when pushing to Github.

Keyword for GitHub Commit

These keywords will be helpful when searching for relevant commits:

  • Feat: for new feature or function

  • Fix: for bug fix

  • Doc: for documentation or changes to documentation

  • Close: or Style: for changes to code or comments that aren’t because of bugs

  • Test: for code testing in tests folder

  • DEV: for development processes for new feature

  • VER: for first version upgrade

  • Misc: for any changes that aren’t critical or doesn’t fit to any of the above keywords. Avoid using it if possible or only as a last resort

    Example of commit message

    Feat: Get list of new files
    New files are missing in the current list. They need to be in the
    current list before aggregating.

Github Commit Message

Use message for commit as follows:

Keyword: Write summary as imperative or command

More detail explanation if necessary with maximum 72 characters and use
line break for long sentences.

The first line gives summary for what was done. Preferably to write this as imperative mood or like commanding someone especially for commit related to features, functions (Feat:) or fixing code (Fix).

Folders structure

Where are the files located and how the files will be used.

  • Folder /R where all the R codes for the functions and objects for orgdata live.
  • Folder /inst is for SQL code files and other files that are needed by the package.
  • Folder /dev is for other files that aren’t used in the package but good to have as reference or code testing.
  • Files with prefix utils-* in folder /R have helper functions that are used multiple times in different places.
  • Put the functions and helper functions in the same file if they aren’t used in different places.

Naming style (function or object)

Use these naming style:

  • snake_case style is for function eg. find_column_input
  • camelCase style is for object eg. fileGroup
  • kebab-case style for filename eg. utils-internal.R

Function names

An effort to group functions according to their responsibilities

  • Files with read_ perfix for major functions.

  • Files with do_ prefix for doing some action functions.

  • Files with get_ prefix for column specific functions.

  • Files with find_ prefix for helper functions.

  • Files with is_ prefix for internal functions or utility to use orgdata package.

    Internal functions will not be exported but if needed, they can be accessed with ::: eg. orgdata:::is_separate().