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Debugging can be done via specification in options() or a wrapper debug_opt(). To check all the options available for orgdata use orgdata:::opt.orgdata. Debugging options include:

  • orgdata.debug
  • orgdata.debug.nrow
  • orgdata.debug.rows
  • orgdata.debug.aggregate
  • orgdata.debug.geo

Warning will be given when debugging is active.



This is used to display the process flow when running any functions in orgdata. It is useful to know which process creates problems during troubleshoot. Options shallow and deep are used to decide the levels of functions to be shown during the process flow. Selecting shallow is equal to TRUE while deep will show the helper functions as well. To activate:

options(orgdata.debug = TRUE)
# OR
# OR


To make testing faster for a very big file, you can load only some rows by activating this options. For instance, to load only the first 50 rows use:

options(orgdata.debug.nrow = 50)
# OR
debug_opt("nrow", 50)


To select only specific row(s) for further processing. This is very useful especially when activating orgdata.debug.geo option. To select only rows 20 to 50:

options(orgdata.debug.rows = 20:50)
# OR
debug_opt("row", 20:50)


To check how the geographical codes in the original data will or could be aggregated to. For instance the original data that consist of enumeration area codes can be aggregated to municipality or county. Activating this options will add the columns of origin geographical codes and the codes to aggregate into municipality, county, city etc to the output data.

The difference between this options and aggreagate argument in make_file() is that the argument aggregate = FALSE will cease aggregating after recoding geographical codes in the original data. To use:

options(orgdata.debug.aggregate = TRUE)
# OR


This option is used to check the code to use for recoding geographical codes from the original data to the current geographical codes. A new columns called oriGEO will be added consisting the geographical codes of the original data as in the example.

Column GEO is the code to recode oriGEO. If the value is NA in column GEO then no recode will be done for the respective code. The reason is either the codes is still valid for the current year or no recode code available/valid and will be deleted. A warning will be given.

options(orgdata.debug.geo = TRUE)
# OR


When activating any options for orgdata, it will be kept active until you actively deactivate it or restart a new R session. You can deactivate it with:

Example output

Here is an example of output after activating orgdata.debug.geo

     1:  1010102 30010102 2019     0     01    2    8    1    1       1       2
     2:  1010102 30010102 2019     0     01    2    5    1    1       1       3
     3:  1010102 30010102 2019     0     01    1    8    1    1       1       3
     4:  1010102 30010102 2019     0     01    3    8    1    1       3       3
     5:  1010102 30010102 2019     0     02    3    8    2    2      20      20
326790: 50610108       NA 2019     2     02    2    5    1    2      20      20
326791: 50610108       NA 2019     2     02    3    5    1    2      20      20
326792: 50610108       NA 2019     2     02    4    8    1    1      20      20
326793: 50610110       NA 2019     0     03    4    8    1    1      20      20
326794: 50610110       NA 2019     1     03    4    8    1    1      20      20