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This function will find all specifications in the Access registration database via SQL code. For example where the orginal data is and how the data will be restructured and aggregated.. etc.. etc.. The specifications are registered in the following tables:

  1. tbl_Filgruppe - File group specification for the output

  2. tbl_Orgfile - The original files

  3. tbl_Innlesing - How the file will be read into R

  4. tbl_Koble - Connection for original files to the file groups and how these will be read

  5. tbl_KodeBok - Code book to recode any value

  6. tbl_Compute - Code book to create a new category from the existing categories

SQL file must be written with base::sprintf style ie. '%s','%d' etc. Please refer to base::sprintf documentation. In addition, SQL code must not contain comments. Example of SQL code with '%s': SELECT * FROM tbl_Koble WHERE FILGRUPPE = '%s' Which is saved in C:/myfile.sql and run as in the code example.


  file = NULL,
  value = NULL,
  con = NULL,
  external = FALSE,
  char = NULL,
  char2 = NULL,
  char3 = NULL,
  opposite = FALSE,
  asis = FALSE



SQL file. If external is TRUE then complete filepath must be specified.


The value for selection in SQL code with base::sprintf style. For example the name of a filgruppe.


Connection to database


If the SQL file is outside of the package. Default is FALSE.


First input value to be added in the query


Second input value to be added in the query


Third input value to be added in the query


TRUE if second input value will be read before first input value


TRUE if sql code file should be read as it is without any other input


Out put will be a data.frame.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
qr <- find_spec("C:/myfile.sql", value = "BEFOLKNING", con = dbconn, external = TRUE)
qr2 <- find_spec("your.sql", con = dbconn, char = "BEFOLKNING", char2 = 14)
} # }