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Track all code changes until current year or the year specified in to argument. The column oldCode could have several codes if it has changed many times until it becomes the code in newCode. When no code change has taken place, NA will be used.


  type = c("fylke", "kommune", "bydel", "grunnkrets"),
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  names = TRUE,
  fix = FALSE



Type of regional granularity ie. fylke, kommune etc.


Specify the starting year for range period. Current year is the default.


Specify the year to end the range period. Current year is used when not specified.


Include names. Default is TRUE


Default is FALSE. When TRUE then use external codes to fix geo changes manually. The codes is sourced from config files depending on the granularity levels.


A dataset of class data.table consisting all older codes from previous years until the selected year in to argument and what these older codes were changed into. If the codes have not changed then the value of old code will be NA.


mydata <- track_change("kommune", from = 2017, to = 2018)
#> Please check splitting geo codes with `track_split()` for possible error
#> Use `fix = TRUE` to implement the way we do it in our work. Please read the documentation